Małgorzata Sarbak. Tangent piano and harpsichord: new image of F. Chopin and P. Szymański.
Zrealizowano w ramach programu stypendialnego Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego – Kultura w sieci

“(… )The harpsichordist [Malgorzata Sarbak] of a magnificent imagination and skills, a phenomenal musicality; she can filter the ultralogical music of Szymanski through her extraterrestial emotionality. (…) In her rendition, Through the looking glass…III seems to sweep all other inerpreations, other pieces off our collective memory. (…) All that is played by Sarbak with an absolute perfection. Ruthlessly. (…) “
Tomasz Cyz, chief editor of Ruch Muzyczny
“Three years ago we were thrilled to pieces with the Bach Partitas recorded for an independent label Lado ABC by the extraordinarly talented harpsichordist Malgorzata Sarbak, and now we have a reason to delight ourselves with the production much more ambitious, and remarkably succesfull – a monographic disc presenting the harpsichord output of the Polish contemporary composer, Paweł Szymański. (…) The renditions of Malgorzata Sarbak, for whom Szymanski wrote the title piece Dissociative Couterpoint Disorder, ideally transmit the composer’s vision – her playing is light, full of grace, very confident and in this timeless style, that Szymanski is looking for in his harpsichord pieces.”
Dariusz Wasilewski, Audio Lifestyle, the audiophile magazine
“The premiere of every Paweł Szymański work is a significant event. The foyer chamber at Teatr Studio was packed, which is rather rare at similar concerts of contemporary music. It may have been not only the new piece that drew the audience, but also the rising harpsichord star, Małgorzata Sarbak, genially rendering the music of J.S. Bach and harpsichord works by Szymański.”
Ewa Cichoń, Ruch Muzyczny

“Grade: ♪♪♪♪♪ | One is very agreeably surprised from the opening notes of the prelude from the first Partita; mildness and depth of sound reveal the excellence of both the musician and her instrument. Right away, a calm sentiment and serenity settles in, which affords the guarantee of a musician very sure, not looking for the effect of shining from the stage but transmitting with mastery all the secret essence of this grandiose oeuvre by Bach. This intimate communion with Bach’s work never falters across the three CDs that contain the six Partitas. “
PIRath, Pizzicato no. 238
“The first Polish harpsichord release of the Partitas and instantly good! Among the best released on CD.”
Audio Lifestyle: the audiophile magazine
“The diversity of the Bach Galanterien – those forty miniature gems – can be discerned due to the suggestive and distinct interpretation of the harpsichordist. Małgorzata Sarbak’s view over the first volume of Clavier-Ubung is as virtuosic as it is refined, searching with great discernment for the essence of the composer’s intention. The Partitas, from her perspective, offer a tremendous dose of amusement, but that invaluable one touching not only the senses but also the mind and soul.”
Witold Paprocki, Ruch Muzyczny
“[…] her playing is tremendously emotional and this is the great asset of this release […] extremely fresh, adroit, dramatic […], excellent technical disposition, superb skills of harpsichord playing and technique in all aspects […] dances are played dashingly, with temperament and with that kind of vital force that is thrilling […]. “
Ewa Obniska, Płytomania [Disc Mania], Polish Radio Program II