Małgorzata Sarbak
Harpsichordist, teacher. She graduated with honours from the F. Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw (prof. L. Kędracki, prof. W. Kłosiewicz), was granted numerous scholarships: New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, USA (prof. J. Gibbons), Academie Musicale de Villecroze (prof. H. Dreyfus), and scholarships for participation in numerous masterclasses (B. van Asperen, J. Van Imerseel, K. Haugsand, J. Ogg, M. Van Delft, R. Hill). Beneficiary of the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in Poland. She made world premiere performances of the pieces of an outstanding polish composer, Paweł Szymański: Les Poiriers en Pologne ou une Suite de Pieces Sentimentales de Clavecin faites par Mr Szymanski in 2010 and Dissociative Counterpoint Disorder, written and dedicated to her, in 2014. She performs also on historical keyboard instruments, like tangent pianos (i.a. collections of original instruments in Bad Krozingen and Miltenberg, Germany). Małgorzata composed music for the spectacles played in important polish drama theatres. She published in musicological volume Forum Muzykologiczne. She performs also in venues unusual for classical music. She was the first to release the complete harpsichord recording of the J. S Bach’s Clavier-Übung I in Poland (Lado ABC, 2013). Her second album was devoted to the music of the contemporary polish composer Paweł Szymański and nominated to the prestigious Fryderyk award (Bôłt Records, 2016). It includes two world premiere recordings and an impressive concerto, Partita III, with the Janacek Orchestra and Zsolt Nagy. Both albums have gained great acclaim from the listeners and the critics. Since 2016 she cooperates with an outstanding danish recorder player Bolette Roed. The artists focus mostly on presenting the fundamental baroque oeuvres in a new instrumental setting (e.g. Sonatas for harpsichord and violin or Sinfonias by Bach in a transcription for harpsichord and recorder). They are about to release a new album.